Hackers Are Using Find My iPhone to Hold iOS Devices for Ransom

By Adam Clark Estes

A strange rash of virtual iPhone kidnappings in Australia recently spread to the United States, and boy, are they strange. Hackers appear to be using Find My iPhone to lock iOS devices remotely, and then demanding a ransom to unlock them. Said ransom is payable through PayPal. You should not pay it.

Again, these incidents sound strange. Reports of the first incidents—all in Australia—appeared on Apple forums this week, followed by a report of ransomed iPhones in the U.S. Users reported finding their phones suddenly locked, with a message from Find My iPhone saying that the device had been “hacked by Oleg Pliss.”

Original Source: http://gizmodo.com/hackers-are-using-find-my-iphone-to-hold-ios-devices-fo-1582092425


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