An earthquake off the coast of Huntington Beach, California, USA generates a tsunamigenic event in Baja, and a catastrophic subsurface and surface oil spill. A series of inland aftershocks result in reports of deaths and injuries, damage to the All American Canal, roadways, power lines, and other key resources and critical infrastructures in Southern California, USA and Northern Baja California, Mexico. A series of after shocks, fires, loss of power, displaced population, disease concerns, and other challenges continue throughout the exercise to facilitate participant objectives.
Objective One
Utilize the computing cloud to rapidly converge geographically dispersed global experts at the onset of a simulated international incident, deploy a foundation of guidance in concert with community leaders in a manner that empowers community members through education and smart technologies to support mitigation, response, recovery, and a resumption of societal normalcy at a level of functioning an order of magnitude higher than existed before.
Objective Two
Leverage smart phones, ultra-lights (United States), and unmanned air systems (Mexico) for rapid threat/damage assessment of a simulated seismic event that generates a significant oil spill off the coast of Southern California and Northern Baja California, as well as damage to critical infrastructure inland that necessitates mass sheltering of displaced community members.
Objective Three
Leverage the power of NGOs, faith-based groups, rapidly responding government and corporate groups, international groups, social networking communities as occurred in Haiti, and other resilient networks to locate and notionally send aid to Southern California and Baja California. The layers of sub-objectives include:
- Create a cascading tidal wave of global aid.
- Map and model aid, shipping methods, and timelines for arrival.
- Coordinate with responders to ensure these maps and models are helpful and supportive to crisis, consequence, and recovery efforts.
- Track the velocity of the response.